2012.11.21 A Message from Archangel Gabriel
Channeller 通靈傳遞:Shanta Gabriel
Dear Ones,
The 12:12:12 Activation on December 12, 2012 will bring the highest frequencies ever encoded in the Light of the Christ Consciousness to the planet for transformation of the Earth and all beings.
Through the power of the associated gateways held open by the Archangels at the 11:11, a new force of the Christ Consciousness will be made available during the 12:12:12 Activation. The power of this awakening energy enables each person to have the experience of the Christ Light at the moment of the 12:12:12 Coding. Once experienced you will not fall back into old ways, as the Golden Christ Light literally expunges from your being frequencies that no longer serve you. Transformed by Light, the cells awaken to the coding embedded by your soul. This activation has been held in abeyance until the earth consciousness would support mass awakening. Awareness and preparation are key signatures for the transformation available through the Christ Light. That time is Now.
The 12:12:12 represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the light-encoded filaments within your being, there is a communion of awakening. It moves the body into the 12-helix system and allows the connection of the DNA strands. This activates subtle energy that unites the new 12-chakra system. Light alone cannot create the connection, even though the Divine Intelligence is there within the Light Force. Divine Love is required to awaken the coding of your Soul’s union with the completion inherent in the Twelve. This is the awakening of the Christ Consciousness.
「Divine Unity 神聖的合一」
Through the 12:12:12 there will be a sense of being reborn into unity with all aspects of you. Greet yourself with a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life. Your willingness to proceed on the Path of Light throughout time has brought you to a completion of one aspect of your soul’s journey. Your task now is to take this new fullness deeply into your being to empower you. Let the Christ Light permeate every cell and create a new healing force that will pervade your consciousness. When you integrate this alignment within you, the Divine Love in your energy fields will activate your DNA and become so pervasive that your world will literally begin to change around you.
Begin to use this new connection to the Christ Energy, which contains the Light Force of Healing and Compassion. Bring it to all your stories, all your relationships and all the places in your life that still do not appear to radiate with all the goodness that you have imagined. Use this Golden Light to strengthen yourself with true forgiveness and compassion. No matter what is occurring, focus on the Oneness within the true Light of the Christ and bring this Divine Love and Compassion to yourself. Create a habit of doing this before any other reaction can take place and you will discover that this truly is a new time to be alive.
「New Structures in the Human Energy System 人類能量系統的新的結構」
With the 12:12:12 Activation, new structures are being built in the human energy system. The alignment of the 12-strands connection in the DNA structure opens the way for the creation of the 12-chakra system. This paradigm shift within the development of the encoded human being begins to create a fully aligned structure that operates at the highest frequency of energy available now. This new aligned energy system allows the human to not only navigate this new earth time, but also pave the way for others to respond. The codings set into the human energy system that fire at different times have been creating waves of change within the structures set into the old world paradigm. Each person will now feel the soul impulse to move into purposeful action, retreat or choose to leave the planet entirely to await a more developed time on Earth.
隨著12:12:12的激活,新的人類能量系統的架構被建立。 DNA結構中12股的全連接打開了創造12脈輪系統之門。這個典範的轉移存在於被編碼的人類的進展當中,開始創造全連接的結構,打開了最高能量的頻率,使人類不僅能夠航行於新的地球時代,還為其責任鋪平了道路。編碼被置入人類能量系統中,在不同的時間被點燃,在老的世界模式結構內創造轉變。每個人都會在現在感受到精神的脈動,採取有目的的行動,撤退或選擇全部離開行星,等待著在地球上新的進化。
Further evolution on planetary levels creates new openings for souls to step into. Those whose light encoded DNA has allowed their energy frequencies to shift, now work in a multidimensional earth simultaneously magnetizing other souls. An entrainment of energy frequencies ensues as your own inner coding, firing in resonance, attracts more who are ready for the awakening. It is a truly exciting time to be alive and you were born to be the creator of the new structures of the Earth. Within this new energy, you may feel as though you have finally come Home.
Create an empowered vision to serve you as you raise your energy frequencies within the new light structures of the 12:12 codes. This will activate your energy centers in a new way. Create a deep vital connection to an Earth awaiting this time of honoring. You have unseen partners whose work includes your evolution, to assist in the creation of a fully functioning world that operates on a higher frequency of Light and Divine Love.
You were born for this. Now is your time. Envision the helix of the 12 strands of Light-encoded DNA within you going deep into the Earth and above your head. This will empower the connection of the 12-chakra system above, within and below your body. Join with others in the 12:12:12 timings to assist the firing of new matrix energy codes. These will be the structures that help create a new Earth – one where the spirit within all things in honored, and beauty and harmony are sanctified.
你們為此而生。現在,你們的時刻到了,想像12股光編碼的DNA在你們身體內,從頭頂到底部與地球深刻連接。這會授權你們之上的12脈輪系統與低處你們的身體的連接。在12:12:12,請安排好時間自己與他人連接,援助新能量編碼矩陣吧! ! !這會幫助創造新地球的架構——那是靈魂的榮耀之地,美麗和和諧如此的神聖!
If you are reading this, you are aligned to the Christ Energy that empowers new life at the coded time on 12:12:12 this December 12, 2012. It is the true beginning of a paradigm shift that will continue for the next three years. All will change. Commit to graceful evolution and begin to build the new structures within your being, so those in the world can follow the blueprint. You have always been one who paved the way, and this still continues. The alignment of the 12:12:12 energy is what has been called the “Second Coming.” Misunderstood for centuries, this connection to the Christ Consciousness is within you, and is not the arrival of a single enlightened being in the world. The awakening of full evolutionary spiritual energy is available within all beings, if they choose it, and are willing to bring into the planet the evolutionary shift in consciousness that the Earth awaits. It is your time to choose.
如果你在讀它,你正在連接基督能量,它授權了你們的新生活於被編碼的時間:2012年12月12日(12:12:12)。這是模式轉移真正的開始,這將持續三年。所有的一切都在轉變當中,把自己交付於從容的演變進程,開始創造自己新的能量結構,那些世界上的人能夠跟隨這個藍圖。你們一直都是為它做準備,並鋪平道路的,這將持續。 12:12:12能量的連接被稱作“基督的第二次來臨”(“Second Coming.”),它在過去被誤會了幾個世紀,這其實是與內部的基督意識的連接,不是真正的那個世界啟蒙者的來臨。全演進的靈魂能量的覺醒提供給了每個人,如果他們選擇它,把它帶入到地球正在等待的行星意識的演進轉變中的話。這是你們抉擇的時間!
「Receive Forgiveness 接受並諒解」
In the Activation of the 12:12:12, Divine Forgiveness is provided for a healing of old wounds. Your job is to receive the healing by accepting forgiveness for past errors you believe you made. Allow the light of Divine Love to permeate all the old structures you built around the idea of shame and unworthiness. Forgive the attacks on yourself for having failed to do whatever you thought you “should be doing.” This new Light encoded with the Christed energy carries a frequency of healing and love. It also holds an alignment with your multi-dimensional selves in order to create more unity and wholeness within your being.
You committed spiritual warriors stepped foot on this path the moment you were born. You witnessed dedication in the world around you to all that you considered untrue. You picked up your Soul’s banner of Truth, Illumination and Expansion and began moving in directions that were met with fear and controversy. This may even have caused dissension in your family dynamics that continue to this day. Through it all you were committed to your belief in Divine Light and the process of evolution – a way that honored the sanctity of all life on Earth.
A recognition that other dimensions exist that merge and coincide with ancient wisdom and illumined Truth has pervaded your consciousness. You have been open to receive the teachings that resonated deep within your being, no matter how it appeared to others. Through the wave of rising consciousness it has taken great courage to hold strong to your beliefs. On December 12, 2012, the 12:12:12 Activation is an anchoring of all you held to be true within your soul.
對於其他維度存在的認知出現並與古老智慧與光明的真理相一致,這個真理已經遍及了你們的意識。你們已經打開了接受與內心深處共鳴的教導之心,不管它對其他人是如何顯現的。通過上升意識的波動,它帶來了巨大的勇氣,讓你們越來越有信心。在2012-12-12, 12:12:12激活正在錨定你們所有在靈魂深處認知它的人。
「Here is a prayer to assist the activation 這是支持這個激活的祈禱」:
Divine Presence,
During this 12:12:12 Activation, I invite the Divine Love and Golden Light active in the Christ Consciousness to flow gracefully through me and anchor upon the Earth. I now ask for an awakening connection within my DNA to Divine Love, Compassion and Light from the Highest Source to the 12 strands of DNA within me creating the full helix of Light that activates my 12-chakra system. I ask for my Soul’s alignment to all the Divine Love and Light that I can receive for the good of my evolution and the evolution of the Earth at this time. I invite the assistance of the Angels, Archangels, Masters and all the beings of Light who work for my awakening to be with me in this process.
May all beings awaken to their Divine Potential and bring the presence of Divine Love into their hearts. May ever more Grace flow through us all to bless this planet. May the Earth be honored in a new way that allows our beautiful planet to thrive. May every heart feel the gifts of this loving Presence within them so Peace may prevail on Earth. Thank you God for this and all our blessings.
And so it is.
「譯註:這是決定性的時刻,請家人們廣泛傳播,傳播,傳播! ! ! 」
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